All About CodeLaunch Categories and Eligibility

The CodeLaunch ATL 2021 deadline is inching nearer and nearer. You may be on the fence, questioning if CodeLaunch is right for your tech startup. The answer to your questions is “Yes”. CodeLaunch is absolutely the right choice for any pre-MVP tech startup that is ready to take the next step!

This blog will explain some details that you may not know about CodeLaunch!  

Free to Apply!

The first thing you must know about CodeLaunch is that it is completely free to apply. CodeLaunch aims to elevate the best startups by offering seed services without any financial catch. There is no fee and no equity surrendered. This means there is no reason why you should not enter!

Another great thing about CodeLaunch is all applications are protected under a mutually exclusive NDA. Your concepts will remain safe!

CodeLaunch is a 100% free competition, so there is nothing to lose by applying!

What We Mean by Pre-MVP

CodeLaunch wants startups that do not have an MVP (minimally viable product). We are not looking for embryonic or “concept only” startups. Competing in CodeLaunch requires some proof of execution, such as UI/UX mockups or wireframes along with your pitch deck.

What sets CodeLaunch apart from other seed accelerators is the professional hackathon. Each finalist is paired with a team of professional developers to help build out their MVP. It is an all-night, energy drink and coffee filled coding marathon. The MVP created from the professional hackathon is then demoed live and for the first time in front of an audience who then vote for the Overall Winner.

Building out as much of the finalists’ MVP as possible in the professional hackathon is a key ingredient to the CodeLaunch experience.

Finalist Categories

CodeLaunch finalists are broken into four categories depending on the function of their startup.

US Commercial

The US Commercial category is for founders and ventures based in the USA with the intent of the business is to be as commercially successful as possible.


CodeLaunch welcomes startups from all around the world to apply to compete. The International category is for any finalist located anywhere other than the United States.

Student Founder

Founders from the Student Founder category must be full-time students at any level/grade of educations, including K-12, middle school, high school, undergraduate, graduate, or PhD.

Social Impact

The Social Impact category is when a venture addresses a needed social change or is impacting humanity and communities more so than commercial success and profit.

Apply Today!

CodeLaunch ATL 2021 applications close June 17th! Apply now before it’s too late!


Next Startup Event: CODELAUNCH CANADA (AUGUST 28TH, 2024)