Introducing Student Founder Finalist, Durable Alpha

Out of 140+ applicants, Durable Alpha was chosen as the Student Founder Finalist.  Durable Alpha is a customized, alternate data firm that works with hedge funds to analyze data and find additional market information. Read more to learn all about Durable Alpha and their CodeLaunch experience.

About Durable Alpha

Investment firms are always trying to find additional data on companies because it gives them a competitive edge over others participating in the market. With more data, they can generate higher returns. Hedge funds have unique ideas on the different types of data points they want to collect, but they oftentimes lack the technical capabilities to deploy solutions that are fast, reliable, and produce actionable insights.

hedge funds solution

Durable Alpha works with hedge funds to find this extra information. Their software solution allows investment companies to do everything at scale so they can start applying data to their ideas and generate great market returns. Working side by side with hedge funds, Durable Alpha’s solutions inform investment decisions. Their scalable technology allows Durable Alpha to mine data, analyze it, and create actionable insights seamlessly.

Founders Background and Goals

Durable Alpha was founded by Rohit Shenoy and Pranjal Satiia. Rohit is a McDermott scholar at the University of Texas at Dallas, majoring in Computer Science. He founded his first business, a tutoring marketplace, when he was 15 years old. He has worked on startups ever since being COO of Fixe Food and CEO of CampusOven. Currently, he is building Durable Alpha as the COO.

Pranjal is a National Merit scholar at the University of Texas at Dallas, majoring in Software Engineering. He has extensive technical experience, working on large scale apps as a software developer at Bottle Rocket. Before, he worked as a software engineer for Bloomberg in New York. He is the CTO of Durable Alpha.

Pranjal and Rohit always wanted to build a tech startup because of their technical skills and interest in business. Rohit says, “We are both of the mindset that having an idea and then building it into reality while being your own boss is one of the coolest things you can do.” Rohit was a software contractor at a hedge fund and developed the idea from there. When discussing building Durable Alpha, everything clicked for them and they realized they had something with big potential.

Durable Alpha’s short-term goal is to keep building up their clients and iterating the product offerings based on feedback they receive. Their long-term goal is to be the leading custom alternative data player in the institutional fund space.

product offerings

The CodeLaunch Experience

Rohit first learned about CodeLaunch from his mentor, Josh Stramiello. They found it interesting because they realized that applying and competing at CodeLaunch could get their name out there as well as get them technical help with some of their more challenging problems.

Regarding the CodeLaunch experience so far, Rohit says, “It has been seamless and fun! We really like everyone we’ve interacted with on the CodeLaunch team.”

If Durable Alpha were to win CodeLaunch, they would use the traction to then apply for other accelerators, like YC and Techstars, to build their company even further.

Join us at CodeLaunch 8!

Durable Alpha is most excited to pitch their company live in front of the CodeLaunch audience. Make sure you’re there to see it! Join us on November 5th and reserve your spot by registering for CodeLaunch 8 today!


Next Startup Event: CODELAUNCH CANADA (AUGUST 28TH, 2024)