CodeLaunch is Minneapolis Bound! Find Out How You Can Shine in the Ultimate Startup Competition Debuting in Minnesota

Minneapolis, are you ready for the most electrifying startup event of the year? CodeLaunch, produced by Improving, will head to Minneapolis for the first time on May 9th! Startup applications are being accepted through March 3rd.

CodeLaunch drives early-stage startups to succeed using our unique spin on the seed accelerator model. It’s a combination of a seed accelerator competition, a tech tradeshow, a startup conference, and a rowdy networking event. The touring competition has given more than $1.6M of in-kind services to its finalists and overall winners since it started a decade ago. 

Since its inception in North Texas in 2013, CodeLaunch has played a pivotal role in launching game-changing startups. Companies like Sanalife E360, CharaChorder, ProsRent, StyleRow, KidStrong, Autix, and more were launched and accelerated through the competition. 

Contollo won CodeLaunch Mexico 2023 with their startup Norman Cognitive Agriculture

CodeLaunch Minneapolis 2024 will be held at The Fillmore Minneapolis. Contollo and FYC Labs have signed on to be a professional hackathon sponsor for the competition. We still have several spots open for any tech consulting company that would like to help change the trajectory of a CodeLaunch finalist startup’s journey. 

Contollo has been on a remarkable journey with CodeLaunch events, witnessing their evolution from early-stage contests to thriving industry hubs. Over time, we’ve seen contestants secure investments and find their product-market fit, resulting in positive revenue streams. Our participation in these events has not only created key long-term partnerships and relationships that have led to our robust growth here at Contollo, but has also provided invaluable learning experiences from industry experts. Being part of the CodeLaunch community means accessing continuous support for business growth, aligning with conscious capitalism principles, and unlocking endless opportunities for collaboration.

Isaac Carter, Contollo Founder and Chief Technologist

Important Applicant Information

CodeLaunch is a free amenity for startup founders. It costs nothing to apply, and CodeLaunch does not take equity. All Startup founders need is a pitch deck, code-ready mockups, and passion. It’s important to note that CodeLaunch competitions are open to founders from any geography or market, not just the host market.  

CodeLaunch requires code-ready mockups because they are required to maximize the benefit the 2-day PCL hackathon finalists receive. Mockups should be what founders hope to build if they are “drafted”. This is one way that our competition stands out from the crowd. Each finalist is drafted by a professional development team that accelerates product development and accelerates digital product progress as much as possible. During the pitch competition and showcase event on May 9th, each startup product is demonstrated live for the CodeLaunch audience of judges, investors, and supporters, who then interactively vote to determine winners. 

This isn’t just a competition; it’s a launching pad for tech startups across the world! Visit our application portal through March 3rd to apply to be included in the CodeLaunch Minneapolis 2024 cohort. 

Brands who want to support and align with our Conscious Capitalism-inspired mission at CodeLaunch can find out more by contacting CodeLaunch here

What’s Next for CodeLaunch in 2024 

All of our application portals are open for our 2024 events! Check out to apply and learn more about our events happening in Toronto, Canada in July, and Guadalajara, Mexico in October.

Stay tuned for more big announcements in 2024 about CodeLaunch! All of our 2024 competition applications are open and ready for your entries. We are also looking for a new presenting sponsor, as well as new sponsorships and exhibitors for next year’s events. Elevate your brand by partnering with Codelaunch and contact us here.   


Next Startup Event: CODELAUNCH CANADA (AUGUST 28TH, 2024)