Hackathon Details Form CodeLaunch 2024 – Hackathon Details Form Provide the CodeLaunch team with details about your Hackathon team, video shoot logistics, and finale’ event stage logistics. "*" indicates required fields Person Completing Form* First Last Your Email Address* Enter Email Confirm Email Sponsor Name or "Team Name" used on stage*Your 8 Character brand name or team name to be used on stage, jerseys and during the Draft. 8 Characters fit and will look best on the back of your team jerseys. Longer ones look wonky.Hackathon Development Team Lead/CaptainLead/Captain's Name*Cell #*Email*CodeLaunch Finalist Startup Draft MeetingNeeded for ‘The Startup Draft’ meeting we conduct on Discord) This meeting is post-produced into a podcast episode.Team Rep Making Your Draft Pick Name*Cell #*Email*Discord UserName*Hackathon Days LogisticsHelp us plan to shoot your hackathon video and help your startup know if they should expect to be present in-person or not.Please make the choice that best describes your Hackathon team topology* Our entire hackathon team will be in the host city. Some of our hackathon team are remote but all are in the host country. At least one is local. All of our hackathon team is remote but all are in the host country. Some of our hackathon team are in a distant country All of our hackacthon team is in a distant country Address/Location for Hackathon & Video ProductionThis is the location where our video crew should expect to visit you to shoot your hackathon video scenes with your full or partial team present. Type IMPROVING if you would like us to host your hackathon.CodeLaunch Event | On-Stage Finale' LogisticsSomeone must attend CodeLaunch wearing a branded Jersey and be ready to potentially accept your trophy for winning the hackathon.Name Of Your Team's On Stage Rep*Cell Number On Stage Rep*Jersey Sizes and QtyRULES: All Hackathon Team sponsorships include up to 4 Jerseys if this form is submitted by the deadline. 5th+ Jerseys are $70 each. We will invoice you for additional jerseys. If your rep attending the event is the only local person and is not on the dev team, this is typically a 5th Jersey. Please list Jersey Sizes below*Sizes available are XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL, 4XL. CHOOSE XL FOR TEAMMATES WHO ARE “TBA” AT THE TIME YOU COMPLETE THIS FORM.Jersey Required On Stage!* I have accounted for a jersey for all dev team members and the person who will attend the CodeLaunch event and be ready to accept our trophy wearing a jersey, if we win. CAPTCHA