Still searching for information about CodeLaunch? Explore our answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we receive.



Is CodeLaunch Right For My Startup?
Yes, as long as your startup is dependent on software development expertise to get to market and/or raise funding. You must also already have a well-developed Pitch Deck and UI/UX mockups of the product you are trying to develop or the part of the existing product you want to change or extend. It helps to have a team as well, versus just a single founder and no team to help with execution.

CodeLaunch is mostly for pre-MVP software technology startups. If your business has reached MVP already you may still be eligible. Startups that cannot scale their post-MVP startup, raise money, or ever have a chance at an exit, without more product development, PR, and growth, are also eligible. We have had many finalists who were well beyond MVP over the years and a few winners.

If your startup has already raised a significant investment, your product is launched and stable, you have customers and revenue growth, and you are not raising, then you are probably not a fit for CodeLaunch. We want to bring investment opportunities to our stage for active VC and Angels to have a good look at. We will be happy to give you an exhibit space at any event while our free exhibit space supply remains available.
What Does CodeLaunch Cost Founders?
CodeLaunch does not charge founders to apply nor do we take equity to compete in or win the startup competition. CodeLaunch believes technology consulting professionals can and should have an impactful role in our national startup ecosystem helping technology founders level up their product development, as an amenity, not as a fee-based service.
What is the Curation Schedule For the Startup Competition?
Each CodeLaunch Startup Competition has its own schedule. It starts with an application window, during which applications are accepted. Immediately after the deadline, the Selection Committee will begin reviewing all applications.

Generally, the period between the initial application review and the Finalists being announced is about 2 months. Finalists are announced 21 days ahead of the first travel day to the host city.

More details can be found on each startup accelerator’s event page, once active.

You can learn more about our curation process here.
What is Required to Apply?
All you need to apply to the CodeLaunch Startup Competition is a polished pitch deck in PDF format and realistic-looking mockups or polished UI/UX wireframes, representing what you want to build. CodeLaunch does not take money, or equity, from applicants.
How Do I Apply to CodeLaunch?
Each startup competition event will have a detail page that will automatically accept applications during the application acceptance window. Check back periodically to see if there is an open application window.
Can Someone Steal My Idea?
We take protecting early-stage startup ideas very seriously. This is why each CodeLaunch application comes with a built-in mutual NDA. Since the inception of CodeLaunch in 2013 we have never been accused by anyone of sharing their ideas and not one startup’s idea was ever stolen or even borrowed from.
Does CodeLaunch or Any of its Partners Take or Keep Any IP From Finalists?
CodeLaunch dev-shop teams and professional hackathon partners DO NOT take or keep any IP. All work product is provided to the finalists and owned by them.
How Can I Align My Business and/or Participate in the Next CodeLaunch Event?

CodeLaunch requires a healthy network of community partners, financial sponsors, and hackathon sponsors to be effective. A variety of relationships and sponsorships are always offered. For more information please reach out via our Contact Form.

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How Does CodeLaunch Work?

We open the event with our Pitch Day competition where three competitors will pitch their ideas to a panel of judges. After the winners are selected, the Startup Expo begins. At the Startup Expo, you can network with investors, venture capitalists, and the entrepreneurial community. Winners also have the potential to earn thousands of dollars in seed services. Learn more about the previous CodeLaunch winners and awarded seed services on our History Page.

What is Pitch Day and How Does it Work?
Competitors will present their ideas to a panel of judges during a five-minute pitch. After the presentations, the judges panel will engage in a Q&A session with each finalist. Afterwhich, the audience will then have the opportunity to vote for the winner via an SMS poll.
What is the Startup Expo and How Does it Work?
The Startup Expo is an event designed to get CodeLaunch attendees in front of investors, business owners, and entrepreneurial community. CodeLaunch sponsors will also have tables demonstrating the newest and hottest emerging technologies.
How are Winners Selected? What Criteria are the Presenters Judged On?
After each finalist’s presentation and a brief Q&A session by the judges, the audience will have the opportunity to vote for the overall winner. Each finalist will receive a pro-hackathon in the days prior to the event but the overall winner will be eligible for more seed services from additional vendors. Finalists will be judged on financial potential, creativity, and concept feasibility. The audience votes for the winner via SMS.
Is There a Virtual Option at CodeLaunch Events?
No. We believe our event has the most impact on the startups and the Startup Expo generates the most connections when it’s “in person”. Additionally, the startups sometime have concerns about their concept / idea getting out in the wild at this early stage.
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What Can I Expect if I Win?
Every CodeLaunch finalist has already won, whether they win the audience vote or not. The “winner” may be eligible for more seed services from some additional vendors. All finalists receive a professional hackathon in the days prior to the event and walk off the stage with that code and working product in hand – well equipped to gain interest and raise funding from angels, VCs, and others. All the CodeLaunch finalists are poised for success and ready for funding and the world’s best accelerators!


Find out more about our startup accelerator, upcoming events, and why you should apply to CodeLaunch.


Applications for ALL CodeLaunch 2025 events will open on February 16th, 2025. Be sure to APPLY before the window closes!